Monday, January 12, 2009

ATM Fraud Caught In Oman

Atm fraud is on the rise these days. How does it happen and how do we prevent our precious money from being stolen? Below method is called skimming and i found this post in this website. Its posted by one of their member name Tariq.

As you can see the key pad is a key logging device to capture your password. The slot is to capture the data from your manatic trip. When they capture the data from your magnatic strip they can create a fake atm card and withraw money from the pin stolen. This video from youtube (ATM SKIMMING) will also give you a clearer idea.

Be careful, your bank account could be taken for a ride!

Debit and Credit (bank) cards fraud and theft is on the rise. "Skimming" is a term used for the theft of credit card information. While the definition is not new and has been in electronic driven world for sometime now, yet the practice is growin in Oman (and worldwide) now. These are the pictures of the skimming devices used on some of the ATMs machine in Oman that were detected and already reported. According to some realible sources, the set of devices to the ROP were given for investigation and analysis.

The scammer devices

False keyboard

The level of the false keyboard is higher than the ATM surface

Additional attachment over card slot

7 Tips that might help

1. Always use the same ATM as far as possible!
2. You are more likely to spot any tampering if you are using a familiar ATM machine!
3. Be vigilant and observant to notice anything different about your ATM!
4. Most ATM keyboards are set within the body and are not protruding above the base! Check to be sure.
5. The card slots are also set within the body of the ATM machine and not protruding above it! Check this also.
6. Look out for miniature cameras stuck to the ATM top that can photograph your PIN code entry!
7. Shield your hand with a paper sheet or envelope and enter the PIN code under this cover!

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